My Various Comments on Things DONNANGELO

About Me

I am a Donnangelo, born in the USA. I do not have a presence on any of the social media (Facebook, Twitter {Now X}, etc.) but you are welcome to ask me for a link to any of your locations on the social media.

The Donnangelo name is not a common Italian one but it does meet my rule to qualify as one: it must have at least three syllables, with one for each vowel, and it must end in a vowel. I have come across only one Italian name that did not follow this rule: Capo. There must be others.

People not familiar with a Romance language have a hard time pronouncing Donnangelo. The most common mispronunciation I encounter is Donna-Jello, with Don-Ang-leo a close second. I often bail them out by asking "You've heard of Don Juan, haven't you?" To their usual reply of "Yes!" I add, "Well I'm Don Angelo."

The pronunciation my father taught me was Don (the 'o' like the one in the American "only",) nan (the 'a' like the one in "after",) ge (the word "get" without the "t',) and the same 'o' again: Don - nan - ge - lo.

The Village of Donn' Angelo

Did you know there's a community in Italy named "Donn' Angelo?" That is amazingly close to Donnangelo to be a coincidence.

It's located in the Reggio di Calabria region in Italy's "toe," commonly known as Reggio Calabria or Reggio.

Has any one been to Donn' Angelo or the Reggio di Calabria region? Does any one know more about Donn' Angelo?

About the "Donnangelo" Name

The surname Donnangelo is of Italian origin. It is a patronymic surname, meaning that it is derived from the given name of the father. The first element of the surname, "Donn", is a variant of the Italian word "donno", meaning "lord" or "master". The second element of the surname, "Angelo", is a given name meaning "angel" in Italian.

The surname Donnangelo is most common in the Campania region of Italy, but it is also found in other parts of the country, as well as in other countries with a significant Italian diaspora, such as the United States, Argentina, and Brazil.

Overall, the surname Donnangelo is a relatively uncommon surname, but it has a rich history and culture. It is a reminder of the strong Italian influence in many parts of the world.


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About Genealogy

Tracing your roots can be a fascinating challenge. The first time I tried it I mostly used pencil and paper, gathering information from family members, especially elders. When I started to computerize, I used a simple, free and useful computer program provided by the Mormon Church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.)

The program was called PAF, for Personal Ancestral File. It allowed users to enter names, dates, citations and source information into a database; and sort and search the genealogical data, print forms and charts, and share files with others. PAF was discontinued on July 15, 2013. (You still can find places to download it; I recently found it here. As good as it was, packages from other sources added innumerable new features.

I initially used a package called Family Tree Maker ( Version 1 was released in 1989 and the latest versions for Windows and Mac in 2019. I initially used the 2010 version.

Recently I came across a Free genealogy program called Family Tree Builder. Family Tree Maker is fully compatible with Family Tree Builder; I was able to copy all my Builder files into it. You can download the program at

The days of paper and pencil are gone since we now have the Internet. In spite of the pitfalls involved in using it, the Web is a fantastic source of information. (If it exists, it's on the Internet!) Software programs that update themselves are more secure; a reliable vendor will provide security updates.

If you want the whole world to know about it, put it on the internet. If you don't, leave it only on your computer.

A proposito del nome "Donnangelo"

Il cognome Donnangelo è di origine italiana. È un cognome patronimico, nel senso che deriva dal nome proprio del padre. Il primo elemento del cognome, "Donn", è una variante della parola italiana "donno", che significa "signore" o "maestro". Il secondo elemento del cognome, "Angelo", è un nome che significa "angelo" in italiano.

Il cognome Donnangelo è più comune nella regione italiana della Campania, ma si trova anche in altre parti del paese, così come in altri paesi con una significativa diaspora italiana, come Stati Uniti, Argentina e Brasile.

Nel complesso, il cognome Donnangelo è un cognome relativamente raro, ma ha una ricca storia e cultura. Ricorda la forte influenza italiana in molte parti del mondo.

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